Astrology, a science, has been used to disclose the secrets that our future holds from time immemorial. Sages were highly revered and they would forecast outcomes of wars, birth of a new born, the reign of a king among many other predictions and they were blindly believed. No questions asked. Just because the predictions were prophesized by the learned Sages of Vedic astrology, who were highly skilled at constructing and reading the natal chart of the individual. Similarly, Astrologer Chetan Sharma can help you to improve your career and job situation.
In today’s world where a good career is significant for almost all things in life such as respect from peers, marriage, financial condition etc. every individual wants to have a job which pays well with less pressure. Job satisfaction is important too. However very few people are happy with their jobs. Some have complaints about the money, some don’t like their bosses and some just aren’t passionate about what they are doing. Are you one of the many individuals frustrated with their jobs? Well, it’s time to improve your career and job situation.
Can astrology help you to improve your career?
Astrology can help a person understand what career path would be the best for him/her. Most people don’t give or aren’t able to give much thought to what career they should opt for. They either choose their fields based on parental pressure or peer pressure. Later on, this leads to frustration as the individual doesn’t enjoy what he does. His job is merely work that needs to be completed for that day. No promotions or accolades are achieved because there is no zeal to become better. It has wisely been said that choose your passion and you won’t have to work for a single day. By reading the position of planets in a person’s natal chart and zodiac sign, Astrologer Chetan Sharma can show the right path to be taken to drastically transform your career.
However it is easier said than done. Many astrological factors have to be considered while making this decision.
While the Sun Sign is the significant factor to be taken into account, an individual’s Natal Ascendant and Moon Signs also have to be considered by astrologers. The most powerful and influential planet in the horoscope can impact the individual’s career. The Second House(possession and finances), the Sixth House(of work), and the Tenth House(of career, status and reputation) have to be carefully studied and considered. Putting all these factors together, Astrologer Chetan Sharma can help a person choose the most suitable career for him. He can make the individual aware about his weaknesses and make him focus on his positive points. He can also suggest some astrological remedies to solve any problems you might have.
Zodiac signs and careers
Zodiac signs play an important role in determining the career which a person would be best suited for. Choosing a career which suits your personality and is in accordance with your zodiac sign will take you far in your career. We have compiled a list about what jobs would be suitable for each zodiac sign.
- Aries (21 March-19 April) – Suited for jobs in the field of advertising and public relations. Due to your understanding of the market, you could also go for a career in investment, banking, share market or even open your own business. However a little complex careers are best for Aries natives such as metallurgy, engineering and medicine.
- Taurus (20 April-20 May) – A Taurus would do well to go for a career in finance or business. They could even start their own business. Because of your artistic skills, many of you can opt to be sculptors, actors or singers. Advertising and public relations are viable options too.
- Gemini(21 May-20 June) - Possessing a genius mind and excellent communication skills, a lucrative career option for Geminis would be journalism, writing or orators. You could achieve great heights in the any fields relating to media or sales. Also with your aptitude, you could go in the fields of law and education.
- Cancer(21 June-22 July) – Being good with your hands gives you the option to go become amazing artists. Also a marketing/sales/advertising job would suit you, especially in the food and drinks industry. With your strong suits being finesse and diplomacy, you could choose to become lawyers, lecturers and public speakers.
- Leo(23 July-22 August) – With your strong sense of purpose and dynamic nature, you will do well in jobs which transform to power and authority. Politicians, diplomats, investment bankers, motivational trainers etc are all careers where you are destined to be great. Your sign is of the Lion and that is how you should be, commanding and domineering. You will make good managers or leaders.
- Virgo(23 August-22 September) – Not meant to be confined in the monotonous 9-5 jobs, you need to be in a career where you innovate and invent. Thus, choose the fields of science, mechanics, electronics. However if you recognize your strengths, don’t hesitate in going for a career in art. You also make good managers
- Libra(23 September-22 October) – Gifted when it comes to career, you have the ability to excel at almost anything. Your strong analytical and logical capabilities can help you in becoming excellent lawyers or investment bankers. Diplomacy also being your strong suit, you can become leaders, managers and even politicians. Due to your love for travel, you would do well in the fields related to tourism.
- Scorpio(23 October-21 November) – Possessing an attractive and charming personality, Scorpios make amazing leaders and commanders in fields such as the military, navy or any other industry. Also with your amazing deduction and analytical skills, you could choose to become excellent detectives, police officers or spies. You can also modify those skills to become psychologists, researchers and pathologists. Art and literature could also be your calling.
- Sagittarius(22 November-21 December) – An active thinker, you would be best suited for a career in the travel and tourism industry. You could even become a sportsperson. You can be fairly successful in the fields of law, education and politics because of your clarity of thought and innovative approach. Because of those very reasons, banking and business are appealing options too.
- Capricorn(22 December-19 January) – Your best and dominant quality being your ability to work hard no matter what, a career in agriculture, politics and academics should be a good fit. You can do amazingly well in business too but you should be careful about rash decisions which could pose a threat. Try to be imaginative at whatever you do, creativity and imagination is what will set you apart from others.
- Aquarius(20 January-18 February) – With your priorities set on being independent and free, you would be excellent entrepreneurs. You can also work in an office environment if there aren’t many restrictions imposed on you. You can also have a satisfying career in the fields of sales and marketing. Blessed with an eccentrically creative brain, you make excellent professors, astrologers or even advertising copyrighters.
- Pisces(19 February-20 March) – Creative and artistic, you should go in the fields of art and choose dancing, writing or painting. You can also opt for a career in legal and civil services because of your strong sense of justice. Good at leading your fellow workers, you also make good managers and leaders. Also your love of animals should be a good reason to become a veterinary doctor.
How to tackle your boss?
You could choose the best suited profession for you, you could work super hard at it and give it your all but it still won’t improve your career and job situation if you somehow get on the wrong side of your boss. Your boss has total authority over you and the fact is that you are completely helpless in front of him/her.
Trouble with your boss can have such an adverse impact on your life. Promotions won’t come your way, your colleagues would achieve better things in office and your professional development could take a hit. It is highly recommended that you solve the problems with your boss.
There are certain astrological remedies and Black Magic mantras that you can perform and follow which will help you improve your relationship with your boss. Do try them out. While these remedies may seem to be having no effect in the start, when practiced overtime, I am sure you will see excellent results.
- Offer jal(water) to Sun every morning
- Regularly perform Shiv Pooja
- Offer leaves of Arka tree to a Shivling each day
- Be humble and down to earth
- Make sure you get blessings of your parents and elders
- Recite Dwadash Surya naam mala
Gems can influence your rise and fall too. The stone yellow sapphire is recommended for everyone who wants to improve their career in any way. Also, a bara-mukhi rudraksha can be worn by anyone who suffers from lack of job satisfaction or cannot find a job.
You could also contact Astrologer Chetan Sharma, the best pandit in India, if you are looking for strong and effective results to help you out with your boss and transform your career and job situation. With his excellent knowledge of Black Magic tantras and mantras, you can be assured your career and job situation will definitely improve.